Fatture in Cloud

Fatture In Cloud was my first work project: very scary at first! The platform is one of the biggest invoicing apps in Italy that benefits from steady users and features growth. Fatture in Cloud's guys asked for Belka's help with their new mobile app: there my story begins.

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Under the Hood

Fatture in Cloud's guys asked for Belka's help with their new mobile app: there my story begins. 

With the help of my supervisor Fabrizio, I had the chance to work in a multidisciplinary team made of designers, developers, project managers, testers and more. You can read more of what we've done in this fancy and very detailed article. I had the chance to accomplish a lot during the year and a half I developed the app. We faced many challenges on both technical and human side of the project: an app with so many downloads and active users requires a lot of attention from the whole team!