
Animolz is an Android "project" I made for fun that collects many Whatsapp Stickers of, yeah, animals. The funniest part is that it has more than 210k downloads on Play Store and reached 75k active users ( 5000 per day ). The app is localized in four languages and is loved by many states outside Italy ( the main countries where is used are Mexico, Brazil, Argentina, and the US )

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Under the Hood

The app has a modular structure that was helpful when I created the twin app of Animolz, Dank Lord Stickers. The Whatsapp Stickers template, on GitHub, was crucial to learn all the rules and tips that could help to develop, deploy and publish a sticker app.

Both the apps use AdMob to generate ads, Facebook framework's Fresco to display images and handle media cache and was the first project in which I used the Android X libraries.